Monitoring and evaluation

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The MoH values monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the health system as a means of generating data
and information to promote evidence based decision-making at all levels.
The main functions of the department include:

The development of research policies and guidelines.

Operational research on health management.

The provision of oversight for clinical trials.

The continuous development and improvement of health information systems.

The conduct and monitoring of surveys.

The mapping of health facilities.

Disease surveillance.

Recent activities include:

Establishing a single framework and implementation manual to guide datacollection, processing and use by all agencies providing health services in South It is imperative that the M&E system continues to provide information for tracking progress and improving the effectiveness of programmes, thus fostering accountability among stakeholders. Planned actions for the department include:

Roll out the district health information system software (DHIS®) at county levelacross all ten states of South Sudan.

Develop a comprehensive national M&E database.

Emphasise data quality, analysis and use at all levels of the health system.

Train staff and health workers at national and states levels.

Institutionalise regular and comprehensive health sector performance reviews,with input from all stakeholders and host forums for dialogue on health sector .

Support and institutionalise regular comprehensive support supervision from theMoH to SMoHs, and from SMoHs to CHDs.

Develop a health information system strengthening policy and strategy based onthe Health Metrics Network framework.


Generic activities to be undertaken within the first 72 hours

South Sudan has been affected by the recurrent public health emergencies, including cholera, measles, Meningitis, Rift Valley Fever(RVF) as well as yellow fever in different parts of the country.

The country was responding to different public health emergencies through the existing emergency coordination platforms: National Task Force (NTF), technical working groups(TWG) which constitute members from different government sectors, UN agencies and national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other partners.

To contribute to strengthening of national capacity for coordinating, the preparedness and response efforts, the Ministry of Health(MOH) of the Republic of South Sudan with support of the World Health Organization(WHO) established and officially inaugurated a public health emergency operation center (PHEOC) in October 2018. A PHEOC plays critical role in fulfilling the areas of emergency support functions of the nation, international Health Regulation (IHR-2005) obligations as well as the integrated Disease Surveillance and Response )IDSR) core functons.